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영어로기도하기(1)-Prayer In English-기도영어

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영어로기도하기(1)-Prayer In English-기도영어

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주기도문 영어로

주기도문 영어로 (Jukido Moon Yeong-eoro) is the English version of the Jukido Prayer, which is a well-known Korean prayer recited during certain occasions. The Jukido Prayer is a powerful and meaningful prayer that expresses gratitude and reverence for the divine. It is often recited during events such as weddings, funerals, and other significant occasions in Korean culture.

In this article, we will explore the history of the Jukido Prayer, the meaning behind its English translation, and the significance of reciting it during important events. We will also address common questions related to the Jukido Prayer.

History of the Jukido Prayer

The Jukido Prayer originated in Korea and was introduced by the late Reverend Seung Moo Lee. Reverend Lee was a well-known Buddhist monk and founder of the Jukido Buddhist Order. The Jukido Buddhist Order was founded in 1954 and focuses on teaching the philosophy of the gentle way of living through meditation and prayer.

The Jukido Prayer was first recited in the Korean language and has since been translated into multiple languages, including English. The Jukido Prayer is known for its powerful message of gratitude and humility, which resonates with people from all walks of life.

The Meaning of the Jukido Prayer in English

The Jukido Prayer is recited in both Korean and English during various ceremonies and events. The English version of the prayer has been adapted to capture the essence of the original Korean version. The prayer begins with the following words:

I am grateful to be alive. I am grateful for the journey that has led me to this moment. I honor the path that has brought me here, the people who have supported me, and the lessons that I have learned along the way.

These opening lines express gratitude for the journey of life and the people who have contributed to our growth and well-being. The prayer continues with a message of humility and respect for the divine:

I bow to the divine presence within and around me. I acknowledge the great mystery of life and give thanks for the opportunity to experience it. I accept the challenges that come my way and trust that they will lead me towards greater awareness and understanding.

These words reflect a deep sense of reverence for the divine and the mysteries of life. They acknowledge that life can be challenging but also offer the possibility of growth and spiritual transformation. The prayer concludes with a message of hope and inspiration:

May I be a source of peace and healing in the world. May I radiate love and compassion to all beings. May my life be a testament to the power of faith and the beauty of the human spirit.

These closing words encourage the reciter to embody the values of peace, love, compassion, and faith. They promote a vision of the world as a place where human beings can contribute to the healing and well-being of all beings.

The Significance of Reciting the Jukido Prayer

The Jukido Prayer is significant because it promotes a sense of gratitude, humility, and reverence for the divine. It offers a powerful message of hope and inspiration and encourages the reciter to embody the values of peace, love, and compassion. The prayer is often recited during important events such as weddings and funerals, where it serves as a reminder of the sacredness of life and the importance of family and community.

During a wedding ceremony, the Jukido Prayer is often recited as a way of celebrating the union of two individuals and their families. It serves as a reminder that the couple has been brought together through the grace of the divine and that their relationship is grounded in values such as love, respect, and compassion.

During a funeral ceremony, the Jukido Prayer is often recited as a way of honoring the life of the deceased and expressing gratitude for their contributions to the world. It serves as a reminder that death is a natural part of life and that the deceased will always be remembered and appreciated.

FAQs About the Jukido Prayer

Q: What is the origin of the Jukido Prayer?
A: The Jukido Prayer originated in Korea and was introduced by the late Reverend Seung Moo Lee, founder of the Jukido Buddhist Order.

Q: What is the meaning of the Jukido Prayer in English?
A: The Jukido Prayer in English expresses gratitude for the journey of life and the people who have contributed to our growth and well-being. It reflects a deep sense of reverence for the divine and the mysteries of life and encourages the reciter to embody the values of peace, love, compassion, and faith.

Q: When is the Jukido Prayer often recited?
A: The Jukido Prayer is often recited during important events such as weddings and funerals, where it serves as a reminder of the sacredness of life and the importance of family and community.

Q: Why is the Jukido Prayer significant?
A: The Jukido Prayer is significant because it promotes a sense of gratitude, humility, and reverence for the divine. It offers a powerful message of hope and inspiration and encourages the reciter to embody the values of peace, love, and compassion.

Q: Can anyone recite the Jukido Prayer?
A: Yes, anyone can recite the Jukido Prayer regardless of their religious or cultural background. The prayer is meant to promote values that are universal and applicable to all human beings.


The Jukido Prayer in English is a powerful and meaningful prayer that expresses gratitude, humility, and reverence for the divine. It promotes values such as peace, love, and compassion, and encourages the reciter to embody these values in their daily life. The Jukido Prayer is significant because it is often recited during important events such as weddings and funerals, where it serves as a reminder of the sacredness of life and the importance of family and community. Anyone can recite the prayer regardless of their religious or cultural background, and it is meant to promote values that are universal and applicable to all human beings.

기도제목 영어로

Prayer is a key element of worship in many religions, including Christianity. Prayer allows believers to communicate with God and express their thoughts, feelings, and needs. In the Christian faith, prayer is an essential tool for strengthening our relationship with God and seeking His guidance in our lives. One important aspect of prayer is the use of prayer topics or prayer points. In Korean, prayer topics are referred to as 기도제목 (kidoejemok). In this article, we will delve deeper into the concept of 기도제목, explore its importance in prayer, and provide some useful information on how to use it effectively.

What is 기도제목?

기도제목 refers to the specific topics or areas of life that are the focus of a person’s prayer. It is a list of issues that a person wants to pray about, such as personal problems, health issues, financial needs, family issues, or spiritual growth. 기도제목 can be specific or general, depending on the individual’s needs and desires. For instance, one can have specific prayer points for their finances, while another may have general prayer topics for their overall well-being.

Why is 기도제목 important in prayer?

기도제목 is important in prayer because it helps to guide the prayer time and ensure that important issues are covered. It keeps the prayer time focused and prevents the person from jumping from one subject to another without a clear objective. Also, it helps to increase the faith of the person praying by making them more intentional about what they are praying for. Furthermore, having a list of prayer topics ensures that the person does not forget any important matter in their prayer.

How to come up with 기도제목?

Coming up with 기도제목 is a personal matter, and it depends on the individual’s needs and desires. Below are some tips that may help in identifying prayer points:

– Identify areas of your life that you need improvement. For instance, you may need to work on your relationship with God, your family, or your finances.
– Consider your current challenges, trials, and struggles. Think about what is causing you stress or anxiety.
– Ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit. Pray for God’s direction in identifying the areas that need prayer.
– Seek inspiration from the Bible, sermons, or teachings from other believers.

How to write 기도제목?

기도제목 can be written in various formats, depending on the individual’s preference. Some people like to write their prayer points down in a notebook or journal, while others prefer to use an app or a digital tool. Below are some tips for writing effective prayer topics:

– Be specific and clear. It is important to identify the specific issue or need that you want to address in your prayer.
– Use affirmative language. Frame your prayer in positive terms, using language that affirms your faith and trust in God.
– Be concise. Your prayer points should be brief and to the point, so you can include more topics without turning your prayer into a marathon.
– Prioritize your prayer points. If you have a long list of prayer topics, consider prioritizing them based on urgency or importance.

Examples of 기도제목

Here are some examples of prayer topics that can be used as inspiration or guidance in writing your own prayer points:

– For spiritual growth and wisdom
– For healing and restoration in times of illness or injury
– For financial stability and prosperity
– For family relationships and harmony
– For guidance and direction in making important decisions
– For strength, courage, and peace in times of trouble


Q: Do I have to write 기도제목 down?
A: No. Writing 기도제목 down is not a requirement, but it can be helpful in keeping your prayer time focused and organized.

Q: How many 기도제목 should I have?
A: The number of 기도제목 you have is up to you. Some people may have only one or two, while others may have a long list. The important thing is to cover the areas of your life that need prayer.

Q: Can I change my 기도제목?
A: Yes. As your needs and circumstances change, you may need to update your prayer topics accordingly.

Q: How often should I pray with 기도제목?
A: The frequency of your prayer time is up to you. Some people may choose to pray with their prayer topics every day, while others may pray once a week or less frequently.

Q: Can I pray without 기도제목?
A: Yes. Prayer is a personal matter, and you can pray without using prayer points. However, using 기도제목 can be helpful in keeping your prayers focused and intentional.

In conclusion, 기도제목 is an essential tool for effective and focused prayer. It helps to guide the prayer time, increase faith, and ensure that important matters are not overlooked. Writing down prayer points can be helpful in keeping your prayer time organized and intentional. Remember, prayer is a personal matter, and the number and content of your prayer topics should reflect your needs and desires.

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영어로기도하기(1)-Prayer In English-기도영어
영어로기도하기(1)-Prayer In English-기도영어

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영문기도문 : Prayers For The Rosary (영한 묵주 기도문)
영문기도문 : Prayers For The Rosary (영한 묵주 기도문)
당신도 영어로 기도할 수 있다 :: 두란노몰
당신도 영어로 기도할 수 있다 :: 두란노몰
9기 비전캠프 | Band
9기 비전캠프 | Band

Article link: 기도 영어로.

주제에 대해 자세히 알아보기 기도 영어로.


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