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Top 25 기대해 Update

[MV] GIRL'S DAY(걸스데이)_Expect(기대해)


기대해 is a Korean expression that translates to “have high expectations.” This term is often used in daily conversations to encourage individuals to be optimistic and look forward to the future. People use 기대해 to express excitement and anticipation for new opportunities, experiences, and outcomes. In this article, we will explore the meaning and characteristics of 기대해, its positive and negative effects, ways to maintain an appropriate level of expectations, methods to cope with disappointment and the importance of managing expectations.

의미와 특성

기대해 is a verb that represents the act of having expectations and hopes for the future. This term is widely used in the Korean language and culture to convey the importance of maintaining a positive outlook on life. When individuals say 기대해, they are expressing their excitement and willingness to embrace new opportunities and challenges.

In Korean society, the concept of 기대해 is deeply ingrained in various facets of life. It is more than just a phrase but a way of approaching life that encompasses hope, optimism, and perseverance. As such, Koreans strive to instill and encourage the culture of 기대해 into their daily lives as it serves as a beacon of light during challenging times.

기대와 관련된 긍정적인 효과

Having high expectation brings significant positive effects to individuals. Here are some of them:

1. Motivation: High expectations motivate individuals to strive towards achieving their goals, and it acts as a driving force that pushes them to put in more effort and time towards achieving their objectives.

2. Confidence: Individuals who have high expectations tend to have greater confidence in their abilities and skills. They believe in their capacity to handle any challenge that comes their way.

3. Positive Attitude: High expectation creates a positive attitude towards life, allowing individuals to embrace challenges and see opportunities in adversity.

4. Increased Resilience: When individuals have high expectations, they are more likely to overcome challenges and hardships, thus improving their emotional resilience.

기대보다 결과물이 나쁜 경우에 대한 부정적인 효과

However, having high expectations can also have negative effects when the actual result falls short of the expectations. Some negative impacts of having high expectations include:

1. Disappointment: When the actual result does not meet expectations, it can lead to disappointment, which can cause individuals to give up easily and lose motivation.

2. Anxiety and Stress: When individuals place high expectations on themselves, it can lead to increased stress and anxiety levels, which can hamper their performance.

3. Negative self-talk: When individuals do not meet their expectations, they tend to engage in negative self-talk, which can lead to low self-esteem and decreased confidence.

4. Depression: If individuals repeatedly fail to meet their high expectations, it can lead to depression, a feeling of worthlessness and helplessness.

지나친 기대가 불안과 스트레스를 초래하는 이유

In general, there are two main reasons why excessive expectation can lead to anxiety and stress. First, excessive expectation creates a pressure to perform well, and the fear of failure is a significant stressor for most individuals. Second, unrealistic expectation raises the stakes and creates unbearable pressure on individuals to meet the goal, reinforcing the belief that anything less than perfect is a disaster.

Moreover, excessive expectations can also lead to self-doubt and negative self-talk, which can further perpetuate the cycle of anxiety and stress.

적절한 기대 수준을 유지하려면 어떻게 해야하는가?

Maintaining a realistic level of expectation is crucial to achieving goals and preventing unnecessary stress. Here are some ways to help individuals manage their expectations:

1. Define realistic expectations: Individuals should define reasonable expectations based on their capabilities and skills to prevent unrealistic assumptions.

2. Assess the situation: Understanding the situation and possible outcomes helps individuals to have a clearer idea of what to expect and thus avoid unrealistic expectations.

3. Stay focused on the process: Sometimes, individuals get caught up in their expectations of the end goal, and forget the effort needed to reach that goal. Staying focused on the process of achieving the goals helps to keep individuals grounded.

4. Celebrate small victories: Celebrating small achievements can help individuals to stay motivated and positive.

기대와 실제 결과물 간 차이에 대처하는 방법

When individuals do not meet their expectations, managing the disappointment can be challenging. Here are some ways to deal with the disappointment:

1. Reframe the situation: Focus on the positives and find new opportunities that the situation may present.

2. Analyze the experience: Critically reviewing the experience can help individuals to identify areas of improvements and strengths.

3. Reassess the goals: If the expectations were too high or unrealistic, individuals should reassess their goals and adjust the expectations.

4. Learn from failure: Failures can offer valuable lessons that can be applied in future endeavors.

기대에 대한 관리의 중요성

Managing expectations is essential in life because it determines how individuals perceive, approach and respond to their experiences. Practicing realistic expectations helps individuals to achieve a sense of calmness and focus, allowing them to proceed in a measured and confident manner.

Conversely, managing expectations poorly can lead to negative emotions, decreased motivation, and diminished self-esteem. As such, individuals must develop skills and strategies to manage their expectations effectively.

기대와 성공의 관계

Expectations play a crucial role in determining an individual’s success. It sets the stage for how individuals envision their accomplishments, and it provides direction to the individual on how to proceed in pursuit of their objectives.

While it’s true that the higher the expectations, the greater the chance of failure, it’s also true that high expectations can bring significant positive outcomes that are necessary for success. For instance, high expectations provide individuals with a sense of purpose and focus, which ultimately leads them to stay committed and determined towards their objectives.

기대와 걱정의 관계

Expectation and worry often go hand in hand. When individuals expect a particular outcome, they may also worry about the implications of the results. They may worry about the consequences of failure or the expectations of others.

To manage expectations effectively, individuals must address the underlying concerns that may arise. By identifying specific concerns and worries, individuals can adopt strategies that help to reduce their anxiety.

기대와 목표 설정의 관계

Expectations and goal-setting are closely related. When individuals set their goals, they create a vision of what they hope to achieve and define the expectations of the results. Goals provide individuals with a clear roadmap towards their objectives, while expectations help to sculpt their mindset and approach to achieving those goals.

The relationship between goals and expectations is not straightforward since a mismatch between the two can cause significant issues. Therefore, individuals must align their expectations with their goals to avoid frustration or early burnout.


Q1. What does 기대해 mean in Korean?

A1. 기대해 means “have high expectations.”

Q2. How does having high expectations impact individuals positively?

A2. High expectations spur motivation, confidence, positive attitude, and increased resilience.

Q3. Can excessive expectation cause anxiety and stress?

A3. Yes, excessive expectation can cause anxiety and stress.

Q4. What is the importance of maintaining a realistic expectation?

A4. Maintaining realistic expectation prevents unnecessary stress, enables clear thinking and actions, and reduces pressure.

Q5. How should individuals deal with disappointment when they do not meet their expectations?

A5. Individuals should reframe the situation, analyze the experience, reassess the goals, and learn from the failures.


In conclusion, 기대해 is a powerful expression that carries different meanings in Korean culture. It encourages individuals to maintain high expectations and a positive outlook, motivating them to persevere through life’s challenges.

While having high expectation can lead to positive and negative outcomes, managing expectations effectively is crucial to achieving success and avoiding anxiety and stress. Therefore, individuals should strive to maintain an appropriate level of expectation through realistic and achievable goals, focus on the process, and adopt a growth mindset. By doing so, individuals can unlock their full potential and live a fulfilling life. So, let’s 기대해 the best that the future can offer.

사용자가 검색한 키워드: 기대해 걸스데이, 걸스데이 – 달링, 걸스데이 멜빵 춤, 걸스데이 ‘Something, 반짝 반짝, 티아라 슈가 프리, 여자대통령, Ring My Bell

Categories: Top 91 기대해

[MV] GIRL’S DAY(걸스데이)_Expect(기대해)

여기에서 자세히 보기:


걸스데이는 2009년에 데뷔한 대한민국의 걸 그룹이다. 걸스데이는 다섯 명으로 구성되어 있으며, 유라, 헤리, 소진, 민아로 이루어져 있다. 그들은 뛰어난 노래 실력과 매력적인 퍼포먼스로 대한민국 대중음악 씬에 큰 영향을 끼쳤다.

걸스데이는 데뷔 앨범 ‘Girl’s Day Party #1’에서 첫 노래 ‘Tilt My Head’로 무대를 밟았다. 더블유 뮤직 코리아에서 발매된 앨범은 대한민국에서 굉장한 반응을 얻었고, 걸스데이는 대중음악 신인상을 수상하게 되었다.

이후 걸스데이는 노래 ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’를 발표하였다. 이 노래는 대한민국에서 큰 인기를 얻었고, 걸스데이는 막대한 인기를 누리게 되었다. 그들은 2010년에 ‘Twinkle Twinkle’를 발표하였는데, 이 노래는 대한민국에서 가장 성공적인 노래 중 하나가 되었다.

그 후, 걸스데이는 ‘Oh! My God’와 ‘Don’t Forget Me’ 같은 더 많은 인기 노래를 발표하게 되었다. 2013년에는 데뷔 후 최고의 노래 중 하나인 ‘Expectation’을 발표하였다. 이 노래는 대한민국에서 굉장한 인기를 누리며, 걸스데이의 인기를 한층 높였다.

하지만, 2014년을 기점으로 걸스데이는 다양한 문제와 난관을 겪게 되었다. 그 중 일부는 논란 거리였지만, 그들은 이를 극복하며 다시 자리매김 할 수 있었다. 2015년과 2016년에는 ‘Something’와 ‘Ring My Bell’ 같은 새로운 노래를 발표하여 더 높은 인기를 얻었다.

걸스데이는 종종 “걸그룹 중에서 가장 아름다운 그룹”으로 언급되며, 그들의 매력은 모든 연령대에서 높게 평가되고 있다. 그들은 뛰어난 노래 실력과 다채로운 퍼포먼스로 대한민국의 대중음악 팬들을 매료시키고 있다.


Q: 걸스데이의 가장 큰 힘은 무엇인가요?

A: 걸스데이의 가장 큰 힘은 그들의 뛰어난 노래 실력과 매력적인 퍼포먼스이다. 그들은 고도로 훈련된 프로페셔널 씬에 속하기 때문에 무대 위에서 멋진 무대 퍼포먼스를 선보인다. 그들은 또한 매력적인 비주얼과 보컬 실력을 겸비하기 때문에 자연히 그들의 매력이 더해지는 것이다.

Q: 걸스데이는 어떤 장르의 음악을 주로 연주하나요?

A: 걸스데이는 주로 팝 음악을 연주한다. 그들은 댄스 팝, 일렉트로 팝, 발라드, 락 등 다양한 장르의 음악을 연주하고 있다. 그들은 또한 고급스러운 목소리와 풍성한 특징을 가지고 있기 때문에 그들의 노래는 매우 인기있는 것이다.

Q: 걸스데이의 팬덤 이름은 무엇인가요?

A: 걸스데이의 팬덤 이름은 ‘다시 만난 세계’이다. 이는 걸스데이의 곡 ‘Twinkle Twinkle’에 등장하는 가사에서 비롯된 것이다. 이 팬덤 이름은 걸스데이의 음악과 퍼포먼스를 좋아하고, 그들의 존재와 의미를 다시 만났다고 생각하는 팬들에 의해 만들어졌다.

Q: 걸스데이의 멤버들은 누구인가요?

A: 걸스데이는 유라, 헤리, 소진, 민아로 구성되어 있다.

Q: 걸스데이는 해외에서도 인기가 있나요?

A: 네, 걸스데이는 해외에서도 인기가 매우 높다. 그들의 노래는 아시아권을 비롯한 전 세계에서 매우 인기가 있으며, 그들은 다양한 시상식에서 많은 상을 받았다. 그들의 음악은 전 세계적으로 유명하며, 그들은 일본, 태국 등 다양한 나라에서 공연을 개최하기도 한다.

Q: 걸스데이는 미래에 어떤 계획을 가지고 있나요?

A: 걸스데이는 현재 활동을 중단하였지만, 그들은 다시 무대 위에 선보일 수 있는 계획을 가지고 있다. 그들은 그동안 누적된 인기와 경험을 살려서 더욱 높은 기대감을 달성할 것으로 예상된다. 또한, 그들은 각자의 진로를 개척하며 개인적으로도 활발하게 활동하고 있다.

걸스데이 – 달링

걸스데이 (Girl’s Day) is a popular K-pop girl group that has been active since 2010. The group originally debuted with five members, but is currently composed of four members: Sojin, Yura, Minah, and Hyeri. 걸스데이 has released numerous hit songs throughout their career, and one of their most popular songs is “달링” (Darling). In this article, we will explore the background of 걸스데이 and how “달링” became such a hit.

Background of 걸스데이

걸스데이 debuted on July 7, 2010 under Dream Tea Entertainment with their first single “Tilt My Head” from their debut mini-album “Girl’s Day Party #1”. The group’s original lineup included Jihae, Jisun, Sojin, Yura, and Minah. However, Jihae and Jisun left the group shortly after their debut, and the group continued as a four-member group.

To date, 걸스데이 has released six studio albums, nine extended plays (EPs), and numerous singles. The group has also won various awards throughout their career, including “Best Female Group” at the 2014 Mnet Asian Music Awards and “Best Female Dance Performance” at the 2013 Mnet Asian Music Awards.

The group is known for their cute and sexy image, as well as their catchy and upbeat pop songs. 걸스데이 has been compared to other popular girl groups in the K-pop industry, such as Girls’ Generation, 2NE1, and Red Velvet.

“달링” (Darling)

“달링” (Darling) is a song by 걸스데이 from their fourth EP, “Everyday 4”. The song was released on July 14, 2014 and quickly became a chart-topping hit. The music video for “달링” has over 44 million views on YouTube as of September 2021.

The song is composed by hitmaker Duble Sidekick and written by Duble Sidekick and Kang Ji Won. It has a fun and upbeat melody that is backed by a catchy brass section. The lyrics tell the story of a woman who wants her lover to treasure her and treat her like a queen. The chorus features the catchy phrase “달콤한 나의 달링” (My sweet darling), which has become a fan favorite.

The music video for “달링” features the members of 걸스데이 in various cute and sexy outfits, performing a dance routine that has become iconic. The video also features a storyline of the members teasing and flirting with a man who is trying to win their affection. The group’s visuals and dance moves have garnered attention and praise from fans and casual viewers alike.

Why did “달링” become such a hit?

There are several reasons why “달링” became such a popular hit for 걸스데이. One reason is the catchy melody and upbeat tempo of the song. The brass section in particular adds a fun and playful feeling to the song that makes it instantly likable and memorable. The song is also easy to dance along to, making it a popular choice for fans to perform at events or on their own social media platforms.

Another reason for the song’s success is the group’s performance and visuals. 걸스데이 has a reputation for being both cute and sexy, and “달링” showcases both sides of their image. The dance routine for the song is fun and playful, yet also includes seductive moves that highlight the group’s sexiness. The music video also features various outfits and styling that show off the group’s appeal.

The lyrics of the song also played a role in its success. The message of wanting to be treated well and valued by a lover is relatable to many people, especially those in romantic relationships. The catchy chorus of “달콤한 나의 달링” (My sweet darling) is easy to sing along to and has become a fan favorite catchphrase. The group’s vocal performances also add an emotional depth to the song that resonates with listeners.

Finally, the timing of the song’s release may have contributed to its success. The song was released in the summer of 2014, a time when K-pop was becoming increasingly popular worldwide. 걸스데이 had already established a fanbase prior to this release, but “달링” helped to solidify their status as one of the top girl groups in the industry. The song’s catchy melody and fun dance routine also made it a popular choice for summer festivals and events.


Q: How many members are currently in 걸스데이?
A: 걸스데이 is currently composed of four members: Sojin, Yura, Minah, and Hyeri.

Q: What is the meaning behind the song “달링” (Darling)?
A: The song is about a woman who wants her lover to treat her well and value her. The chorus features the phrase “달콤한 나의 달링” (My sweet darling), which has become a fan favorite.

Q: Who composed and wrote “달링”?
A: The song is composed by Duble Sidekick and written by Duble Sidekick and Kang Ji Won.

Q: What is the concept of 걸스데이?
A: 걸스데이 is known for their cute and sexy image, as well as their catchy and upbeat pop songs.

Q: How many albums has 걸스데이 released?
A: 걸스데이 has released six studio albums and nine extended plays (EPs) to date.

Q: What are some of 걸스데이’s other popular songs?
A: Some of 걸스데이’s other popular songs include “Expect”, “Twinkle Twinkle”, “Something”, and “Female President”.

Q: What awards has 걸스데이 won?
A: 걸스데이 has won various awards throughout their career, including “Best Female Group” at the 2014 Mnet Asian Music Awards and “Best Female Dance Performance” at the 2013 Mnet Asian Music Awards.

Q: When was 걸스데이’s debut?
A: 걸스데이 debuted on July 7, 2010.

Q: Who are some other popular K-pop girl groups?
A: Some other popular K-pop girl groups include Blackpink, Twice, Red Velvet, and Mamamoo.

주제와 관련된 이미지 기대해

[MV] GIRL'S DAY(걸스데이)_Expect(기대해)
[MV] GIRL’S DAY(걸스데이)_Expect(기대해)

기대해 주제와 관련된 이미지 7개를 찾았습니다.

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Girls Day [Expected] @Sbs Inkigayo Popular Song 20130421 – Youtube
범죄도시2' 마동석
범죄도시2′ 마동석 “애드립 같은 대사, 대사 같은 애드립 기대해 달라”

Article link: 기대해.

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